Aerial Yoga Bow Pose for Beginners

Improve your flexibility, strengthen back and abdominal muscles, and relieve spine compression by following our aerial yoga bow pose tutorial. Join our yoga teacher and discover how to do the bow pose, otherwise known as the bow pose dhanurasana or archer’s bow, in your aerial yoga hammock.

About the Aerial Yoga Bow Pose Tutorial

Follow along with our aerial yoga bow pose guide and learn how to perform the bow pose successfully.

Before starting this new exercise routine, feel free to place a yoga mat below your hammock for safety. To begin, shake out your fabric and stand with your back to the hammock. Next, hop into the fabric, bend your knees, and adjust your body so that you’re sitting fully in the hammock. Make sure you scrunch down so the fabric is at the base of your butt and not too far up your back.

Next, take a few breaths, hold on to the fabric, and push your shoulder blades and upper torso backward. Then, grab your ankles or the tops of your shin. Try to keep your knees hip-width apart. You are now in the full bow pose.

You'll feel a really great stretch across your upper body, hip flexors, and ankles, which is a good opener for your heart.

Once you're in this position, you can move into a couple of other yoga poses. Extend your left leg, then your right leg, and cross them back over the front of that fabric. Feel free to hang out here. If you are ready to come down, simply unhook your left ankle, then your right ankle. Finally, slowly bring your feet down and bring yourself up into a sitting position.

If you’re looking for more yoga practice videos, to add to your exercise routine, check out our other aerial yoga tutorials.

Purchase an Aerial Yoga Hammock

Relieve spine compression, improve flexibility, and strengthen your muscles by purchasing an aerial yoga hammock and following along with our bow pose tutorial.

Choose Your Aerial Hammock


The bow pose strengthens your abdominal and back muscles while improving overall flexibility. With regular practice, you will get stronger and be able to do more challenging poses like the vampire pose.

You should avoid the bow pose if you relate to one of these health conditions:

  • Pregnant
  • Low/high blood pressure
  • Recent surgery
  • Neck injury
  • Back injury
To prevent injury, please seek advice from a medical professional before attempting any aerial yoga poses.

Due to this pose being a back extension, it can feel challenging if this is your first time doing the bow pose. If you’re struggling with the bow position, try to do a half-bow pose. Once you feel comfortable with that pose, take your time and slowly follow along with our full bow pose tutorial. You will notice this pose becoming easier as you continue to practice.


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From finding the right gear for your space, to providing the best tips on how to use it, our aerial equipment experts are here to help. We also provide training tutorials to help in your journey!